Travel the World at The World Landmark Merapi Park Yogyakarta


The World Landmarks Merapi Park Jogja is the newest tourist attraction in Yogyakarta. This tourist spot just opened in June 2017 ago. Yet even so, The World Landmarks Merapi Park Jogja is becoming a popular tourist spot in Yogyakarta and has been visited by many tourists. Both from domestic and foreign countries.

The World Landmarks Merapi Park Jogja provides various rides in the form of landmarks or iconic buildings from various countries in the World. Actually in Indonesia there are already similar landmark tours in Karanganyar and in Banyumas. But of course Merapi Park Jogja present in different designs.

Location of Merapi Park Jogja

The World Landmarks Merapi Parks are on the road Kaliurang Km. 25 Hargobinangun Village, Pakem Sub-district, Sleman District, Yogyakarta Special Region. This tourist place can be traveled for 45-60 minutes from the city of Yogyakarta. Tourist attractions in Jogja is very easy to reach by large vehicles such as buses.

Merapi Park location is also easy to find, you can use GPS or Google Maps to get to this place. In fact you can easily find this place just by heading towards the tourist attractions Kaliurang and follow the signpost road to the “Museum of Mount Merapi Merapi” in the area of ​​Jalan Kaliurang Km. 21 and Jalan Kaliurang Km. 25.

The location is in front of Merapi Volcano Museum Jogja, so you can travel in two places at once. This is of course interesting, on the one hand you travel while learning about Mount Merapi and on the other side you can travel while getting icon icons or landmarks from various countries famous in the World.

You can also complete your trip by visiting the attractions of Kaliurang and Lava Tour Merapi Cangkringan. Lots of tourist rides that you can visit this area.

Admission Price The World Landmarks Merapi Park Yogyakarta

The World Landmarks Merapi Park Yogyakarta is open every Wednesday to Monday, and closes every Tuesday. This tour is open from 09.00 and closed at 16.30 WIB. You should visit this place in addition to holidays, because of course this place will be very crowded.

But the crowd is proof that this place is a popular place is not it? So there is no harm too you visit The World Landmarks Merapi Park on the weekend or holiday. This place is so vast that you do not have to worry about pressing with people.

The ticket price of The World Landmarks Merapi Park Yogyakarta is quite cheap, which is Rp. 15.000,00 (Fifteen thousand rupiah) only. Park Merapi admission price is valid for those aged two years and over. Children under two years are not charged admission, aka FREE. In addition to Merapi Park admission price you have to pay, of course you need to pay the parking ticket in accordance with the vehicle that you carry.

6 Rides and Spot Photos at Merapi Park

1. Brandenburg Gate Berlin


Before you go further to the various rides at The World Landmarks Merapi Park Jogja you will be greeted by a huge gate which is a miniature of the famous monument in Berlin Germany. This Bradenburg Gate miniature will be instantly visible before you even buy a ticket at the counter. This large building is originally located in Berlin city limits of Germany. This building is a historic building that was built decades ago. Among the pillars of this building is a highway that can be used by the surrounding community. Above this building there is a very famous statue of Quadriga.

2. Leaning tower of Pisa

One of the miniature landmarks buildings in The World Landmarks Merapi Park Jogja is the Tower of Pisa. The Tower of Pisa is one of the most famous buildings in the world that ever entered in the seven wonders of the world, together with the Borobudur Temple.

Although miniature, but the tower was built higher than the height of visitors, so it looks like the original. The original building of the Tower of Pisa is in the Italian city of Pisa. The building was built for two centuries in the year 1173 – 1372. Building eight floors as high as 55.86 meters was designed by an architect named Bonanno Pisano. But the building that was originally to be used as the bell of the cathedral was oblique in its construction process, and many tried to straighten but always failed.

Then whether the miniature Tower of Pisa in Merapi Park also tilted like the original building? You need to visit The World Landmarks Merapi Park Jogja to self-examine 🙂

3. Big Ben London


Big Ben is a clock tower in Westminster Palace, London, England. The 96-meter-high clock tower is one of London’s iconic icons, built in 1843-1859. The tower consists of three important parts of the tower itself, the clock and the bell. The main design designer of this building is a prominent architect August Pugin. Big Ben is one of the miniature landmarks are very popular and popular by visitors of Merapi Park to take pictures. You of course have to be patient to queue, waiting for a photo shift when The World Landmarks Merapi Park Jogja is crowded with visitors.

4. Eiffel Tower


Eiffel Tower may be a miniature of the most liked by visitors of The World Merapi Street Park Jogja to take pictures. Basically the Eiffel Tower building is already very famous. Similar to the Tower of Pisa, the Eiffel Tower has also been included in the seven wonders of the world.

But on the other hand, Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the World and a dream of many people. This is probably why many people want to take a miniature picture of the Eiffel Tower and wish to visit the original building.

5. Dutch Windmill


Who never heard of the Dutch state. I think almost all Indonesians have heard of the Netherlands. How not, history lessons in school alone explain about the Netherlands Country. But who would have thought the Netherlands has a unique icon that is very famous. Especially if it was not a windmill. The Netherlands country has been famous for a long time as a windmill country because in this country there are many windmills. And of course another famous one, the tulips. That’s what caused in The World Landmarks Merapi Park Jogja typical Dutch windmill was surrounded by tulips flowers. But unfortunately tulips in The World Landmarks Merapi Park Jogja is not a genuine interest.

6. New York Love Sculpture

The New York Love Sculpture is the latest on rides at The World Landmarks Merapi Park Jogja. Although still new, but this vehicle became one of the rides are very popular for taking pictures, especially the young people. How not, this vehicle is a letter of three-dimensional letters that make up LOVE or meaning love. This rides are miniature (albeit the same size) an art icon from New York United States. This art icon is in the middle of the city of New York so it becomes a vehicle that attracts tourists to capture the moment of travel there.

Public facilities

The public facilities provided at The World Landmarks Merapi Park Jogja are fairly complete, although The World Jogja Merapi Park is still the most recent tourist attraction in Yogyakarta.

You can find a unique gazebo gazebo located next to the location of the rides. You can take advantage of this gazebo to rest and eat the food or food you buy at this resort. There is also a cafe that sells various manakan and beverages. This cafe will play you a variety of songs that can be enjoyed by all ages.

If you feel hungry because you have not had time to eat before the trip, there is a mini restaurant that will provide a variety of delicious food at affordable prices. But because this tour is still relatively new, not many restaurants are open around this sights.

Other public facilities such as mushrooms and toilets are readily available. You do not have to worry about falling behind prayer time or looking for public toilets when traveling in this place. But make sure that you keep the cleanliness of this tourist spot in order to stay clean and comfortable to travel.
Nearby tours

The nearest tourist attractions

If you visit various rides at The World Landmarks Merapi Park Jogja of course not complete if you only visit one tourist place only. You can spend your time in various other tourist attractions in Yogyakarta, especially in the northern part of Yogyakarta or Kaliurang.

Tourist attractions in Kaliurang and Cangkringan can be an option. The nearest tourist attraction is Merapi Volcano Museum, because The World Jogja Merapi Park is located in front of this Museum. If you want to enjoy nature tourism, you can visit Kaliurang, which is one of the tourist icon in Yogyakarta.

In addition, there are several other popular tourist attractions in the region of Merapi Lava Tour Cangkringan to travel using jeep merapi tour. Then also you can visit the tours of The Lost World Castle and Stonehenge Merapi which is becoming the latest and popular tourist attractions such as The World Jogja Merapi Park Jogja.
