The Beauty of Goa Pindul, Gunung Kidul


It seems that Gunungkidul Regency has a new tourist icon that is Pindul Gunungkidul cave that can compete along with other tours that have long fame eg beach tourism Gunungkidul the Baron Beach. Actually, Gunungkidul also have identical tourism that is Jomblang cave only the two tours have different characteristics, for example Jomblang cave tours suitable as a climbing activity while the cave Pindul more to the river adventure activities under the ground. In addition Pindul cave and Jomblang cave both have a uniqueness that is rarely owned by cave tours in other areas that have the best stalactite and stalagmite charm in the world that was made naturally for thousands of years ago.

This cave tour in Gunungkidul is located in Bejiharjo village, Karangmojo Subdistrict, Gunungkidul Regency. Pindul cave including unique limestone cave attraction, because in the cave there is an underground river flow extends from the mouth of the cave to the end of the cave near the water dam. Classified as a new tourism in Gunungkidul was inaugurated in 2010, but new popular among tourists in 2014, until now one of the phenomenal tourist attraction owned by the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region.
The charm of the cave has exotic underground scenery, so there is no doubt back to the beauty of nature has, therefore up to now have many hundreds to thousands of visitors have been traveling there. Pindul cave river length about 350 meters, the width of the cave reaches 5 meters, while the depth of river water range of 5 meters to 12 meters, depending on the intensity of rain water.

The uniqueness of Pindul cave when compared to other attractions, there visitors will rarely see the exotic cave, but made amazed by the sparkling river water fill the cave. The water inside the cave is an underground river that empties out of seven gedong springs. Even in the dry season the water in the cave does not experience drought, it’s just that when the rainy season sometimes the location of the tour closed because the water intensity is too high.

The history of Pindul cave stems from the story of the nomad Joko Singlulung when walking through the jungle, river to meet the cave in search of the father. Well, when fun through the seven caves that have underground river flow, the head of Joko Singlulung hit by a large rock inside the cave. well, the location of the cave where the hit Joko was named Pindul Gunungkidul Cave which stems from the word cheek gebendul.

There are 3 zones in Pindul Gunungkidul cave that is bright zone, dim zone and dark zone. in the bright zone there is still a bright light from outside the cave, so visitors can still enjoy the beauty of the cave. Here visitors are allowed to swim and find beautiful fish in the cave. Type of fish in this cave Gunungkidul spelled out to have a large size, but do not worry that the fish are categorized types of fish benign. Continue the second zone called the dim zone. In the dim zone there is only a small amount of incoming light aided by the reflection of clear water from the cave wall, so as to create an exotic dim light. While in the third zone is a dark zone, here visitors have difficulty seeing an object, but using the aid of lighting equipment, can still see around the cave. In order to go through zone 3, to the end of the cave takes approximately 45 minutes.




The Location

As explained above, if the cave tourist address in Gunungkidul is located in Bejiharjo Village, Karangmojo Sub-district, Gunungkidul Regency, Province of Special Region of Yogyakarta 55891. Do you know Gunung Kidulul mountain tourism object ? It is the mountain area that keep the history story of struggle Raden Mas Said, when drawing a strategy against the Dutch colonial war, other than that visitors can see the beauty of the expanse of green valleys, paddy fields, even tourism reservoirs Gajah Mungkur was clearly visible from there. Distance from the picture of mountain to the tourist location about 21 kilometers and travel time about 41 minutes. If there are friends of tourism is still confused how access to cave Pindul? Then start the journey to Wonosari Sub-district via Wonosari-Jogja Road through the hill of the stars and Patuk Sub-district, then continue the trip to the village of Bejiharjo and follow the asphalt road until it reaches the tourist location. The location of the tour is quite strategic, so it is not difficult to find natural attractions Gunungkidul it. Access tourist locations easy to pass, so can be reached using private vehicles or even using public transportation such as buses. The condition of the road has been paved the easier for visitors to vacation in this tourist spot Gunungkidul.

Admission Price Cave Pindul Karangmojo

For friends want to feel the sensation of the holiday in this cave Gunungkidul tour then prepare funds as a fare. First before entering the tourist area, visitors will be charged a general retribution of Rp. 10,000 per person. After that visitors continue the trip to the tourist location, well at the entrance gate of each visitor must pay the entrance fee of Rp. 35,000 per person. So the total funds must be provided for Rp. 45,000 per person. Entrance and levy above does not include vehicle parking fee if friends bring personal vehicle that is Rp. 2,000 motorcycles, Rp. 5,000 cars and Rp. 15,000 buses.

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